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Why Won't Shane Ask About Having a Baby


Warning: Spoilers

This page or section contains unmarked spoilers from update 1.five of Stardew Valley. Mobile players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this commodity.

You can take children merely if you are married and have upgraded the Farmhouse for the second time which adds a nursery and an actress room. After you lot go to bed for the night, your spouse might ask (1/20 take chances) if you want to have/prefer a kid. Yous can answer "yes" or "not now." Same-gender couples will adopt children, and contrary-gender couples will take biological children. If you remove the crib via a firm renovation, you cannot have new children (whether adoptive or biological) unless the crib is replaced.

You tin simply have ii children, one male and one female. The gender of the first kid is random, and the gender of the second child is the opposite of the outset child. Children never grow upwards past the Toddler phase (Stage 4). You will accept the option to acquire a second kid but after the first child has grown to the Toddler stage.

Your spouse volition also take your children when they're at least in the toddler stage to events such as the Stardew Valley Fair where they can be plant walking around your spouse. There is as well a glitch causing them to appear on the same tile and overlap.

Biological children

If you maintain a 10-heart human relationship with your spouse, already accept the nursery, take non removed the crib, and accept been married for at least 7 days, in that location is a ≈five% adventure that you will be asked if yous want to have a child. If you agree, the baby will be born after fourteen days and appear in the crib in the nursery. If y'all say "not now", there will exist a ≈5% chance that your spouse volition ask again, each dark that you are married (and maintain ten hearts).

For the commencement 14 days in the nursery, the baby will stay sleeping. Afterward this, they will brainstorm to stand up in the crib (except when sleeping) for another 14 days, but y'all can play with them. Once this stage has passed, they volition be allowed out of their crib for another 28 days to crawl around in your business firm during the day.

Finally, the baby will enter the toddler phase for the remainder of their life. They will beginning sleeping in i of the beds in the nursery, freeing the crib for another child (if you practice not already have ii children).

Adopted children

The adoption process is very similar to having a child biologically. If you maintain a x-heart relationship with your spouse, already accept the nursery, accept non removed the crib, and take been married for at to the lowest degree 7 days, at that place is a ≈v% take a chance that y'all will be asked if you desire to adopt a child.

If you hold, the adoption will occur after 14 days. While you are waiting for your child, your spouse volition tell you that the adoption paperwork has been filed.

Your kid volition announced in the middle of the night, with a note saying that the adoption agency has dropped off your new baby.


Phase 1

Interactions with the child will always result in "[child's proper name] is sleeping.".

Child Stage 1.png

Phase 2

When interacting with the child, the player will toss them into the air, which improves the relationship level. Y'all tin as well toss the kid while sleeping for a funny animation.

Child Stage 2.png

Stage three

The child will crawl around the firm and play with toys. Sometimes they might exist buggy and get stuck in furniture. At night they volition be put back into the crib automatically and you cannot interact with them.

Child Stage 3.png

Phase iv

The child will dash around the house. You tin right click on them to collaborate and increment the relationship level.


Dismissing Children

Children can exist dismissed tardily game past interacting with the Nighttime Shrine of Selfishness within the Witch'due south Hut. By offer the shrine a Prismatic Shard it will permit players to plow children into doves, making them get out the farm forever. Once dismissed, children are gone for expert and cannot be returned. Note, even so, that this will open upward the possibility of your spouse asking if y'all want to have children over again, unless the crib has been removed. If a child is wearing a chapeau when they are dismissed, the hat will show up in the Lost and Found the side by side morning. Also, run across Secrets for the easter eggs that this unlocks.


Friendship with children works similarly to friendship with not-marriageable villagers. Some specific details:

  • Y'all may non increment friendship with a child in stage one. Friendship stays at 0 points.
  • When the kid starting time reaches phase 2, their friendship is set to 250 points (i heart).
  • In stage 2-4, yous may interact with the child (heart balloon appears to a higher place their caput) to increment friendship by 20 points, once per day.
  • You may non give gifts to children.
  • Friendship with children is subject to Decay just like with normal villagers; specifically, each 24-hour interval y'all don't collaborate with a kid, friendship decays by ii points. When a kid reaches x hearts, decay stops.
  • The Bulletin Board Bundle and the soup tasting at the Luau, despite affecting friendship points with most villagers, do not affect friendship with children.


If you are married to a farmhand in co-op fashion, the main player volition randomly be asked if they desire children overnight. If the chief-player says yep, the question is asked to the farmhand. Once both players say yes, a child will be born, following the to a higher place rules.


  • Children at stage iv tin can run through walls and out of the map. Reseting the day or sleeping volition reset the children to a random area of the farmhouse.
  • Children at stage 4 tin can at any fourth dimension might stay up all night permanently. This does not touch any other part of the game.


  • Hats tin be placed on children.
  • Dismissing children unlocks several related Easter eggs.


  • i.0: Introduced.
  • 1.i: Dying or passing out the twenty-four hours before will no longer skip the birth issue. Added power to dismiss children via a shrine at the Witch's Hut.
  • 1.4: Added ability to put hats on children, hugger-mugger event after dismissing children, removed bug where child would never be built-in/delivered if triggered the aforementioned mean solar day a bundle/joja reward was completed.
  • i.5: Children now nourish festivals. "Remove Crib" firm renovation introduced.

Why Won't Shane Ask About Having a Baby
