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Can You Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean Things Which a Baby Takes in His Mouth

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seven �����

Unit six.
The Pleasure of Reading

Social English language

Vocabulary Section

32. Very often in a sure situation people expect united states of america to say some item matter. Information technology is important to know how to react to people�due south words. Check yourselves and match the phrases in these columns, 29.

1. How�s your father keeping?
2. How exercise you do?
3. Thank you lot very much.
four. What a nice blouse!
5. I�m awfully distressing, I�ve broken a loving cup.
6. Thanks for a wonderful meal.
7. Have a overnice weekend.
8. Goodbye, requite my love to your son.
nine. How overnice to meet you again.
10. Hallo. John here. Tin can I speak to Rob, please?
11. How about a dainty cup of tea before you get?
12. You must have some more craven.
thirteen. Meet my sis Jane.
14. Happy Easter!
15. I�ve only passed my exam.

a) Thank you. Practise you lot really like it?
b) No, thank y'all. I�ve had a lot.
c) Thanks, you lot likewise.
d) It�s squeamish to see you too,
e) Oh, that doesn�t affair.
f) Cheers, I volition. Adieu.
1000) He�s fine. Thank you.
h) Hold the line, please.
i) You�re welcome.
j) Pleased to meet you.
thousand) Cheers. The same to you.
l) How do you do?
m) Congratulations!
n) Yes, I�d love one.
o) I�m glad you enjoyed it.

33. Choose the suitable answer and cheque yourselves with the help of the recording, 30.

  1. � How exercise you lot exercise?

    a) � I�m fine, thanks.
    b) � Not at all.
    c) � How practice you do?

  2. � Encounter my friend Alec.

    a) � Glad to meet you.
    b) � You lot look wonderful.
    c) � Thanks.

  3. � Have a nice holiday.

    a) � You lot are welcome.
    b) � Give thanks you.
    c) � Yes, I�d love to.

  4. � How�southward your mum?

    a) � She�southward fine, thanks.
    b) � Thanks, yous too.
    c) � And how are y'all?

  5. � I�ve won in a lottery!

    a) � My best wishes.
    b) � Congratulations!
    c) � Take my warmest greetings.

  6. � Goodbye and thanks for everything.

    a) � Nice to hear that.
    b) � Oh! That doesn�t affair.
    c) � You�re welcome.

  7. � I�m pitiful, I�m late.

    a) � You�re right.
    b) � That doesn�t matter.
    c) � The same to you.

  8. � Can I speak to Kate, please?

    a) � No problem.
    b) � Do y'all actually want to speak to her?
    c) � Agree on, please.

34. Complete the sentences using the missing prepositions.

  1. The old gentleman was run ... by the car.
  2. Your fourth dimension has run .... Hand in your papers.
  3. The girl�s mother called her from the garden, and the child ran ....
  4. Give me a pencil, please. I have run ... of them.
  5. Female parent asks me to go shopping equally we have run ... of vegetables.
  6. Cross the street advisedly. At that place is ever a danger to be run ....
  7. Don�t run .... I want to talk to you.
  8. At that place�due south no need to run ... my plans and ideas all the fourth dimension.
  9. I opened the door, and the true cat ran ....
  10. The sink is running ....


35. A. Read and judge what the words in assuming blazon mean.

There are four people in our household ['haushauld]. Washing the plates is i of my household duties.

What�s on the telly today? It�s bad for your eyes to watch the television receiver too much.

Charles Dickens was ane of the best storytellers in the history of literature. My friend Michael is a very good storyteller.

Someone who is watchful is careful to notice everything that is happening. The kid spent his days under the watchful eyes of several former women.

They transport [trsen'spo:t] fresh vegetables to Moscow and other big cities. They transported the bricks in a boat.

Someone who works in a library is a librarian.

Her voice communication is very skilful though she is very young. John is practiced at public speaking. Let�s ask him to make a speech at the briefing.

Detect the divergence in spelling: speak simply oral communication.

B. Wait the words up to make certain that you have guessed right.

36. Read the words, look them up then study the word combinations and sentences to know how to utilise them.

to pop (popped) (five):

  1. to pop to some place, to pop one's head into the room. Little John popped a sweet into his oral fissure.
  2. almost eyes: His eyes popped when he saw a brownish carry riding on a wheel.

popular-eyed (adj): popular-eyed children, pop-eyed tourists. We listened to the story pop-eyed and couldn�t believe our ears.

to spoil (spoiled/spoilt) (v): to spoil sth, to spoil a kid, to spoil easily. I spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in information technology. This fish has spoilt. It would be a compassion to spoil the surprise,

to manage (v): to manage to do sth (often something that is difficult), to manage sth (a job, a book, a translation). Did yous manage to talk to him earlier he left? I couldn�t manage the lock and rang the doorbell. I am so total that I tin�t manage some other sandwich.

cosy (adj): a cosy house, a cosy room; to be/experience cosy. The room was wonderfully warm and cosy. She felt warm and cosy in the armchair nigh the fire,

a cosy (northward): a soft cover which you put over sth to keep information technology warm. A tea cosy. An egg cosy.

to devour (v): to devour nutrient, to devour a book, to devour a mag. He devoured a plateful of cakes. When I was a boy, I devoured Russian fairy tales.

a search (n): a long search, a dangerous search; a search for knowledge, a search for the lost child, in search of sth. Afterward a long search she institute the primal. They spent a lot of time in search of a cheap hotel.

to search (v): to search (for) sth. I searched for this book in all the shops but never found it.

to pick (v):

  1. to pick sb, to pick the best, to pick a book. Bob couldn�t interpret what Michelle was talking nigh. Next time let�southward pick somebody who speaks French better. What books have y'all picked in the library?
  2. to pick flowers, to choice fruit, to pick mushrooms. Do you like to pick flowers in the field?
  3. to pick up = to lift upward. Could you option up the newspaper for me?

fascination (n): in fascination, with fascination. He watched the play with corking fascination. This kind of literature has some strange fascination for me.

fascinating (adj): fascinating music, a fascinating idea.

an risk (north): a unsafe take chances, a foreign adventure. Will he ever exist able to forget his jungle risk?

an edition (n): a new edition of the book, an erstwhile edition of the novel. I�k trying to find a detail edition of �Romeo and Juliet�.

to contain (v): to contain food, to contain data, to incorporate paper, etc. This book contains all the data you need. This little box contains but erstwhile letters.

a container (north): a small container. Boxes and bottles are containers.

a chatterbox (north): My sis Lizzy is a real chatterbox: she talks from morning time till night. Could you, two chatterboxes, go on silent for a moment?

tiny (adj): a tiny infant, a tiny room, a tiny shoe, etc. The seven dwarfs lived in a tiny firm on the shore of a woods lake. When we found Tommy, he was but a tiny hungry kitten.

a spell (n): to say a spell, to whisper a spell, to put a spell on sb, to break a spell, to be under the spell. A spell is magic words. The spell of the wicked witch was broken.

contents (northward): (commonly plural) the contents of the book, the contents of the alphabetic character, the contents of the bag. The contents of English books are e'er at the offset. Why were the contents of her alphabetic character so distressing? The contents of this fairy tale are very unusual.

to print (5): to impress people, to impress profoundly. Diana�s singing impressed Bob and so much that he asked her to sing on the radio.

an impression (n): my first impression, the impressions of London. What was your commencement impression of Australia?

to make an impression on sb: Frank made a good impression on Mary�due south parents.

impressive (adj): an impressive palace, an impressive view,

to introduce (5): to introduce sb to sb, to introduce oneself, to be introduced to sb. I want to introduce yous to my parents. I don�t recall we�ve been introduced. Our teacher usually introduces new words in class.

37. Respond the questions to exercise the new words.

  1. When can people be pop-eyed?
  2. Is it a compliment to be called a �chatterbox�?
  3. Can you name the usual containers for milk, lemonade, jam, sugar, cream and flour?
  4. What word is missing here: ... � small � regular in size � big � huge?
  5. What is the championship of Mark Twain�s book nigh Tom Sawyer?
  6. What ordinarily makes a room cosy?
  7. Have you ever spoiled a dish? How did it happen?
  8. Who are the members of your household?
  9. Who do the police force ordinarily search for?
  10. Why do you take to go on a watchful eye on the milk when y'all boil it?
  11. What do we phone call young boys and girls who are under twenty?
  12. Who is the all-time storyteller in your form?
  13. What happened to Cinderella when the magic spell was broken?
  14. How are goods transported from Europe to America?
  15. When practice people pick fruit and vegetables in the place where yous live?
  16. Which is improve: to devour books or to read them slowly and carefully? Does it depend on the book?

38. Name 3�5 things that tin be:

  1. tiny;
  2. cosy;
  3. fascinating;
  4. impressive;
  5. amazing.

Read and compare!

to introduce oneself

1. Let me introduce myself.
2. John introduced himself and began to speak nearly his life.
iii. Caroline couldn�t wait. She introduced herself at one time equally she entered the room.

to introduce sb to sb

1. I introduced Bob to Jim.
2. Nobody in the hamlet knew Patrick, and John introduced him to his neigh bours.
3. �Nicola came from Paris yesterday,� said Caroline. �Let me innovate her to you lot.�

39. Choose the right pronoun to complete the sentences.

  1. Bob introduced ... new friend to ... mother.
  2. I don�t know Polly. Can you introduce ... to ... ?
  3. I�grand not certain nosotros take met earlier. Permit me introduce ....
  4. I forget you know John. When were you introduced to ... ?
  5. Last year I introduced John to Mary and now ... are married.
  6. �Bob, innovate ... !� I cried. �They know nothing about ... !�
  7. Well, young lady, volition you lot introduce ... to your parents? I haven�t met them before.
  8. Don�t introduce , look till somebody does it for ....

40. Change the underlined part of the sentences. Use your new vocabulary.

  1. Old Tom is e'er conscientious and notices everything that is happening.
  2. Gulliver couldn�t believe his optics when he saw very trivial people effectually him.
  3. Piffling Robin couldn�t cope with the huge plateful of soup.
  4. My granny used to tell me fairy tales and was very good at it.
  5. He looked around trying to find a identify to sit.
  6. Do all your family watch telly earlier going to bed?
  7. I looked at the foreign box and couldn�t judge what it held.
  8. These ii little girls talk so much.
  9. The princess was turned into a frog with the assist of magic words.
  10. I don�t know what the volume is near.
  11. Tell me what things you establish most interesting in London.
  12. This volume was published seven times.
  13. She is addicted of reading and reads a lot and very fast.
  14. Lora had never cooked that�s why her first meal was ruined.
  15. He was in such a hurry that he ran into the room to say goodbye.

Read and compare!

to impress sb

1. Diana�s singing made a great impression on him.
ii. He made a expert impression and the manager gave him a good job.
3. Margaret�s poems made a poor impression on the audience.

to make an impression on sb

1. Diana�s singing impressed him very much.
2. He impressed the manager and got a good task.
3. Margaret�s poems did not print the audition.

41. Limited the aforementioned in English.

Example: Dolly�s painting impressed Bob.
      Dolly�s painting made a great impression on Bob.

  1. Jane�due south words didn�t impress Mary.
  2. Charles�south photos made a deep impression on me.
  3. Natasha�southward poems were really interesting. They produced a skillful impression on the audition.
  4. What impressed y'all most virtually his acting?

42. Express the same in English.

  1. �� ������� � �������� �������, � ���� ���� ������� �����������!
  2. �� ����� (learned) ��������� ���� ����.
  3. ���������� � ������, ��� ����������.
  4. �� ���������� � ���� �������?
  5. ���������� �������� ���� �������, � ���� ��� �� ������.
  6. ������ ������ � ����� ������ ������ ������ (������� �����).
  7. � ���� ���� ��������������� ������.
  8. ���� ���������� ����������� ����� ������, �� ���� ����������, ����� ��� ���������� ���������.
  9. ������ ��� �������� ���������� �������, � ��� ��� �� ��������� � � ���.
  10. � ���-�� ������� ���� �������. �� � �������� ���� ��� �������.
  11. ������ ����������� ������������ �������� ����� �����������.
  12. ����� ���� �������, ��� �������� �� ����� �� �������� ������, ��� � ������ ������, ��������� �� ��������� �����.
  13. ����� ������������� ������! �� ������ �� ����� � ����, �� ������ ������� �����.
  14. ��� ���������� � ���� �������?
  15. ������ ����� �� ����� � ����, � �����, ��� ��� �����������.

Read and compare!

���������� (���)

one. ���������� ������ ���� ����������.
two. �� ������ ���������� ����� ��������? ��� ����� ��������.
iii. ������ ���������� ���� �����?

contents (they)

1. The contents of the film were interesting.
2. Do you know the contents of this story? They are very unusual.
three. What are the contents of this play?

43. Choose the right form of the verb.

  1. On what page ... (is/are) the contents of the book?
  2. Your clothes ... (is/are) wet again.
  3. The police ... (is/are) almost.
  4. What ... (is/are) the news?
  5. Where ... (is/are) the contents in Russian books?
  6. Your communication ... (is/are) always useful.

44. Make up sentences with the help of this tabular array.

45. A. Make upwardly sentences as in the example.

Example: It takes Andrew at to the lowest degree, ii hours to do his homework.

1. Polly/to draw the flick
2. Roger/to feed the chickens
3. Agnes/to make a dress for her doll
four. Maria/to pigment the walls of her sleeping room

v. Vera/to cook dinner
6. Alice/to exercise the shopping
vii. Victor/to swim 200 metres
8. Diana/to do the translation
nine. Fiona/to clean the window
10. Rob/to study the map

B. Ask your classmates how long certain activities took them. Instance: How long did information technology have you to read the text?

C. Ask your classmates how long they call up sure activities will take them.

Example: How long exercise you think it will take you to prepare for the lucifer?

46. Look at the pictures and say what these people would similar to do instead of doing what they have to.

Example: James would like to read a book instead of working in the garden.

47. A. Make sure that you know these words. Heed to the text �Aladdin and the Magic Lamp�, 31.

Morocco � ������� (����������� �� ������ ������)
certain � �����, �����-��
jewels � �������������
lastly � �������

�. Respond these questions.

  1. Where did Aladdin and his female parent live?
  2. Where did their relative come up from?
  3. What presents did he bring to Aladdin�s household?
  4. What did Aladdin�s �uncle� enquire the boy to practice?
  5. The journey was going to exist long, wasn�t it? Practise you think it was a deadening journey? Why?
  6. Where did they end?
  7. How did the pigsty announced in front of them?
  8. What did the �uncle� ask Aladdin to search for in the garden?

C. Explicate why:

  1. Aladdin�south relative had to introduce himself;
  2. Aladdin and his mother looked at their relative in fascination;
  3. Aladdin was taken aback when his �uncle� asked him to go to the mountains;
  4. the �uncle� was telling the male child many interesting things during their journey;
  5. the �uncle� asked the boy to keep a watchful eye on all the copse in the garden;
  6. the uncle asked Aladdin not to button or rub the lamp.

D. Remember the end of the story. Tell information technology to your friends. If you have never heard it, enquire your friends to tell you the end.

Can You Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean Things Which a Baby Takes in His Mouth
