How to Draw Baby Dragons Step by Step
How to Draw all Kinds of Dragons Tutorial and Dragon Coloring Page

Dragons are mythical creatures that appear in the folklore of many cultures all over the world. It's little wonder then that so many children want to learn how to draw a dragon.
Beliefs about dragons vary considerably, but dragons in western cultures since the Middle Ages have often been depicted as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire. Dragons in eastern cultures are usually depicted as wingless, four-legged, snake like creatures.
It's not clear when or where stories of dragons first emerged, but the huge, flying serpents were described at least as early as the age of the ancient Greeks and Sumerians.
Children are often interested in drawing dragons at a young age, no doubt in part to the many movies and stories devoted to them. The catch is that because most dragons have so many details that they are one of the trickier things to draw. The long body with spikes and horns and clawed feet are quite a bit to take on when you are just figuring out how to make the pencil do what you want.
Not to worry, this dragon tutorial is designed to keep all those fun details, but add them in a way that is not overly confusing. By starting with a large curved body, and adding all the fun elements second, details are easy to see and understand where they need to go. It all adds up to a dragon lesson that works for a wide range of elementary students. There's no reason why they can't join in on the dragon drawing fun too!
Getting Started
The best way to get students off to a good start to any drawing lesson is to show them how to use guides as a reference point.

You may have noticed that all of the tutorials on this site have a dashed line running through the center of each step, both in the horizontal and vertical direction. If students make their own centered lines on theirown paper, before drawing, they will have an easy reference to follow.
For instance, as seen in Step 1 below, this easy dragon body starts with a V shape above the center horizontal line, and to theleft of the center vertical line. The rest of the mouth and nose then starts to take place around it.
Drawing skills have a lot to do with getting the right size and placement of lines on a sheet of paper, so having some visual reference points to get started, will always help anyone learn how to be a little more accurate.
So does that mean kids need to draw a big fat line down the center of their paper before they start? Goodness no, please don't! That will most likely be hard to erase and distract from any finished art. No, simply fold the paper in half both ways, make a crease, and unfold. The beauty is that by the time the drawing is done and colored in, the creases will disappear.
And now, time for students to make their own dragon drawing.
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Preview of the Step by Step Easy Dragon Tutorial

Dragon Coloring Page

Time Lapse Sketching of an Easy Dragon

Materials for Dragon drawing

- Eraser. Large ones you can hold in your hand do a much better job than just the pencil tips.

- Black Sharpie Marker. These fine point permanent marker pens make nice black outlines, have a good tip for coloring, and never bleed when they get wet. Use them with good ventilation and add extra paper underneath to protect your tables.

- Prang Crayons. These are a bit softer than other crayons so they sometimes look like oil pastels. They also have a some nice brown shades that Crayola does not have unless you buy their larger boxes.

- Crayola Crayons. The reliable brand that always works well. The 24 pack has some of my favorite golden orange and yellow colors that seem a bit richer and warmer than the ones Prang has.
Step by Step Directions to Draw a Dragon
Time needed:30 minutes.
How to Draw a Dragon Step by Step
- Draw a sideways "V" for the open mouth.
- Add crocodile-looking jaws around it.
- Draw the top of the body.
- Add the bottom of the body.
- Draw the dragon's legs and claws.
- Add a belly line, horn, teeth and eye.
- Draw the texture lines in the belly.
- Finish with spikes on the back and fire in the mouth. Draw some clouds.
- Trace the dragon with marker and color.
More Easy Dragon Drawing Projects

How to Draw Baby Dragons Step by Step