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Car Will Not Gain Speed on Long Trips

1. Complete each sentence with one of the words in the box below.

book           change         direct           hail              pick            bring           come           grind            hitch           set

(A) Jim walked down the street trying to ____________________ a taxi, but none would stop.

(B)  We heard the old bus slowly___________________________ to a halt outside.

(C)  Fifty extra police officers were called in to ______________ the traffic outside the stadium.

(D) The mayor promised to _________________ the new buses into operation immediately.

(E)  My old car takes quite a long time to __________________________ up speed.

(F)   The school bus always used to _______________ the children down opposite the church.

(G) When her car broke down, Julie had to __________________ a ride to the nearest phone.

(H) When I went to _________________________ a ticket to Rio, I found the flight was full.

(I)    This car is an automatic, so you do not have to ____________________ gears all the time.

(J)    As our ship rounded the headland, we watched the town __________________ into view.

2. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

(A)   The horse stopped suddenly and its rider was _____________________ to the ground.

    (i)  dropped       (ii) flung             (iii) launched         (iv) tripped

(B)  After its engine failed, the small boat ____________________ with the current.

(i) waved           (ii) tossed          (iii) hastened         (iv) drifted

(C) The only means of _______________________ to the station is through a dark subway.

(i) arrival           (ii) admission     (iii) access              (iv) approaching

(D) When I enquired about the times of trains, I was given a ____________________.

(i) schedule       (ii) program       (iii) itinerary           (iv) timetable

(E) I suddenly noticed that the runaway bus was hurting ____________________ me!

(i) over               (ii) nearby         (iii) toward              (iv) without

(F) The plane's engine cut out, but it _____________________ to land safely.

           (i) floated          (ii) glided           (iii) swept               (iv) fluttered

(G) There are road works at Junction 63 and long ____________ are expected.

           (i) delays            (ii) halts             (iii) intervals           (iv) pauses

(H) The next train at platform three ____________________ at Gatwick Airport.

(i) arrives           (ii) terminates    (iii) calls                  (iv) alights

(I)  I was running low on petrol so started looking for a filling _______________________.

(i) station          (ii) garage           (iii) stop                  (iv) area

(J) Only a mechanic could appreciate the true __________________ of the damage to the car.

(i) extent           (ii) rate               (iii) amount            (iv) affect


1. Complete each sentence with one of the words in the box below.

book           change         direct           hail              pick            bring               come           grind            hitch           set

(A) Jim walked down the street trying to


a taxi, but none would stop.

(B)  We heard the old bus slowly


to a halt outside.

(C)  Fifty extra police officers were called in to


the traffic outside the stadium.

(D) The mayor promised to


the new buses into operation immediately.

(E)  My old car takes quite a long time to


up speed.

(F)   The school bus always used to


the children down opposite the church.

(G) When her car broke down, Julie had to


a ride to the nearest phone.

(H) When I went to


a ticket to Rio, I found the flight was full.

(I)    This car is an automatic, so you do not have to


gears all the time.

(J)    As our ship rounded the headland, we watched the town


 into view.

2. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

(A)   The horse stopped suddenly and its rider was

(ii) flung

to the ground.

    (i)  dropped (ii) flung              (iii) launched         (iv) tripped

(B)  After its engine failed, the small boat

(iv) drifted

with the current.

(i) waved           (ii) tossed          (iii) hastened (iv) drifted

(C) The only means of

(iii) access

to the station is through a dark subway.

(i) arrival           (ii) admission( iii) access              (iv) approaching

(D) When I enquired about the times of trains, I was given a (iv) timetable .

(i) schedule       (ii) program       (iii) itinerary (iv) timetable

(E) I suddenly noticed that the runaway bus was hurting

(iii) toward


(i) over               (ii) nearby (iii) toward               (iv) without

(F) The plane's engine cut out, but it

(ii) glided

to land safely.

           (i) floated          ( ii) glided            (iii) swept               (iv) fluttered

(G) There are road works at Junction 63 and long


are expected.

(i) delays           (ii) halts             (iii) intervals           (iv) pauses

(H) The next train at platform three

(ii) terminates

at Gatwick Airport.

(i) arrives (ii) terminates     (iii) calls                  (iv) alights

(I)  I was running low on petrol so started looking for a filling



(i) station          (ii) garage           (iii) stop                  (iv) area

(J) Only a mechanic could appreciate the true


of the damage to the car.

(i) extent

           (ii) rate               (iii) amount            (iv) affect

Car Will Not Gain Speed on Long Trips
